Great Dane Service Dog Training. A great dane who grows up without adequate socialization and training is a recipe for disaster. Today this breed is mainly used as a watch dog and as a pet.
Great idea for someone who has a dog, who is usually on his own during the day, to drop him off at our place for some doggy. A guard dog, or a dog that will really stop an intruder, typically takes special breeding and training, but there are many dogs that are exceptional watch dogs. George the great dane is a special service dog.
Additionally, end each training session by giving your dog a command it already knows, so you always finish on a positive note.
Choosing a service dog prospect chronically jaquie chronic illness dogs dog toy review dog training eggs egg sandwich fall foods great dane great dane puppy halloween health. One of the best aspects of a great dane as a service dog is their height. The great dane is a large dog breed that stands between 30 and 32 inches tall and can weigh up to 120 pounds. A service dog not only has to have great behavioral traits, but they also undergo additional training in order to provide the support and assistance the owner needs.